Simple ways to save water at home

S Trott Electrical Services
Nordic Installations Ltd

Water is essential for life, and this precious resource can’t be taken for granted. The rising heat levels, and the extreme weather conditions which follow, means that our water supply is becoming more unpredictable as droughts are becoming more common, especially in the hotter summer months. People tend to take the water in their house for granted, but here are a few tips on how you can keep on top of your water consumption in your home.

Stop using the tub 
If everyone in a household of four replaced one bath a week with a short five-minute shower, you could save up to £10 a year, and countless litres of water which would otherwise be wasted.

Change your shower head 
If you replace your shower head with a water efficient one, you could save a four-person household up to £38 a year on water heating, as well as an additional £53 a year on water bills. That’s £91 a year! 

Shorten your shower 
Reducing your shower by only one minute a day can take £8 off of your energy bill, per person. Try taking a shorter shower and see how you don’t need that extra five minutes of soaking to get clean.

Turn off the tap 
A running tap will waste more than five litres of water per minute, so it’s essential to turn it off while brushing your teeth, washing your face and shaving, and remember to use cold water if you don’t need hot.

Stop the dripping tap 
A tap left to drip can waste over 5,400 litres of water a day, so double check that your taps are properly turned off when you’re finished with them. 

Fill up your washing machine 
When using your washing machine and dishwasher make sure that they’re full before starting the cycle, and try to use the most efficient water and energy saving settings. 

Use a washing-up bowl 
In the morning fill up your bowl with soapy water and then use it during the day to wash the various cups and cutlery that need a quick rinse, anything else which requires more water can go into your dishwasher. It only takes around 90 seconds to fill up your bowl, saving you litres of wasted water a day. 

Be careful with your cuppa
When you make yourself a cup of tea or coffee, remember to only fill up the kettle with the water you need, and not to the top. Not only will you be saving water, but boiling a smaller amount in the kettle will help you reduce your energy bill.